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  • Global datasets for autism disorder: The dataset consist of 18 file, 8 files for disorders and 10 files for normal. The disorders consisted of 8 boys (age 10–16 years). The normal group consisted of 10 boys (age 9–16 years) without past or present neurological disorder.
    The recordings were made with the subjects in a relaxed state in order to obtain as many artifact-free EEG data as possible. EEG was acquired at a sampling rate of 256 Hz using active electrodes and the Active digital EEG amplifier and recording system from BCI2000. The recording system consists of the following components: g.tec EEGcap, 16 Ag/AgCl electrodes, g.tec GAMMAbox, g.tec USBamp and BCI2000. During the recording, the data were filtered using bandpass filter with frequency band (0.1-60) Hz and digitized at 256Hz. The notch filter was also used at 60Hz.
    This dataset can be downloaded by contct us.

  • Global datasets for P300 speller: The data for this experiment were collected from four normal males (26± 4.5 years). The EEG was recorded at 256 Hz sampling rate, with band pass filter from 0.1-60 Hz, and the notch filter was set on at 60Hz. The EEG was recorded using eight electrodes placed at the standard positions of the 10-20 international system. The selected electrodes were F3, F4, C3, Cz, C4, P3, Pz and P4 with AFz as ground and right ear lobe as reference.
    The recording system consists of the following components: g.tec EEGcap, 8 Ag/AgCl electrodes, g.tec GAMMAbox, g.tec USBamp and BCI2000.
    This dataset can be downloaded by contct us.

Last Update
9/25/2012 8:52:30 PM